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If you own a Jacksonville, FL, rental property, you know that managing it can be easy if you have good renters. By good renters, we mean tenants who respect the property, pay on time, and stay for a year or more.

On the other hand, if you have high renter turnover plus occupants who mistreat the property and pay late, or partially, or not at all, managing the property is a drag.

A Jacksonville Property Management Company Makes Life Easier

A property management company takes the work and stress out of owning a rental property. Consider hiring one to make your life as a Jacksonville, FL, investment property owner less stressful.

The cost is usually an upfront flat fee plus an ongoing monthly fee—usually a percentage of the rental amount. While it can sting to lose that portion of the rental income, most rental owners find that the advantages make the decrease in income worth it.

Finding a Good Company

Ask Around for Recommendations

Word of mouth can be a great way to find a good Jacksonville property management company. Ask other rental property owners which companies they use. Ask friends and colleagues if they have recommendations. Be sure to get several suggestions and look into all of them.

Go Local

Focus on locally-owned companies (rather than nationally-owned ones) in your search. Not always, but often, local companies will be helmed by staff with more longevity and experience in the local market.

Check Online

Most property management companies have an online presence, so be sure to use this to your advantage. Run a search for “Jacksonville property management companies near me” in your browser. Visit the websites of the companies produced in your search and also look at their Facebook or LinkedIn pages. Most will have a Google business page, and you can read reviews there also.

Check the Better Business Bureau for complaints, ratings, and reviews.

Consider also looking online for a company’s certifications and licensing. Are they members of a trade organization, such as the Institute of Real Estate Management or the National Association of Residential Property Managers?

Visit a Few Jacksonville Properties in Their Portfolios

Not all properties will be publicly listed, but some will be. Visit these to get a sense of the quality of the company’s care. A tenant might be willing to describe their experiences dealing with the company—how fast their request for equipment repair was handled, etc.

Speak with Several Managers

Plan to have an in-person meeting or at least a phone call with the managers of three different companies. You’ll want to get a clear picture of fee structures and services. You’ll want to know how they handle non-paying tenants and how quickly they accomplish evictions. How much time will they spend managing your property and how many other properties do they have under their care?

Locklear Partners & Property Management

Rental property owners in Jacksonville, FL, have their choice of a few local property management companies. We invite you to consider Locklear Partners & Property Management as one of your candidate companies. With over a decade of experience and a full portfolio of satisfied customers, we have established ourselves as the leading Jacksonville property management company.